Mac-Attack is BACK: September 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I was reading Becka's blog, (as I continue to be home sick XP) and I mostly have to agree with her... The only things I don't agree with is that personally I wouldn't want to wear a decapitated head that's been skinned (as cool as privateers were) and also I never had liked the studded bracelets as they hurt when your playing punch buggy! Spike+cheek=PAIN!!!!!! But I find that when someone is snubbed from the church just because they like blue jeans and tee shirt over tight collard vest and 3 peice suit well I think we've got a new religion starting! I mean like does god really CARE if you're wearing a name brand suit or your best tee shirt? like I mean like I know you want to dress up a bit because it's the Lord we're visiting, I would never wear like a dirty ripped up tee sirt or my pajamas! But when a church refuses to allow a man to hear the word of Christ because maybe he can't afford the fancy vest well, How do excpect to spread the word of Christ??? There ain't enough three peice suits out there for every human being to own one!!!! I mean when Jesus spoke to his diciples do you think that he'd say, "oh I'd love to talk to you but I can't, your suit's in the wash!" It kind of loses the signifigance of let everyone come unto me!!!! I think the best description I heard is from one of my pastoring Uncles, He told a story that describes the "dress code church" perfectly...

There was a church out there that was incredibly proud of themselves for having such a high class, clean, sophisticated church. However one Sunday they noticed a man who came in wearing a tee shirt and some jeans... After the service was over the board of elders approached the man and said "sir, we are glad to see that you come to our church, but we don't think that you show a good example with what you wear... so therefore we want you to go home and pray all week to ask God what he thinks the dress code of this church is." So they all left and the week passed and the next week the man came back dressed the exact same way! So after the service the elders once again approached the man and asked, "Didn't you pray like we asked you to?" and the man replied honestly "Yes," so the elders confused asked, "Well what did God tell you?" and the man replied "He said don't ask me about the dress code, I haven't been there in years!"

Now I'm not saying that it's wrong to dress up, I'm just saying that it's wrong to peer pressure (despite the name this goes even more for adults) people if they don't dress up. Clothes are not what matter! The Lord has worked with people with 26 peiricins and tattoos all over their arms! It's not the look of the person, it's why they look that way, or how they think about it now! For instance, You could dress in all black because you're a goth and believe that only the dark things in life... which in my humble opinion is wrong, or you can dress in black because it's cold outside and black keeps in heat better, or you were complimented on how you look in black clothes by the girl you've been trying to impress, OR IT'S LAUNDRY DAY!!! but those reasions have no wrong meaning what so ever yet people will judge people on it. That is why it's my goal, (which I must say I'm doing a perfectly DREADFULL job at) to say hi to everyone at least once. And then you can say they're a jerk! (Kidding) anyways I'd better go and take more medicine... if there's anything an ear infection has taught me it's that I don't envy the deaf!

Mac-Attack out

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

more words of wisdom

I'm writing while talking to two people on messenger so this one may be a bit... different...

We live in an age when pizza gets to your house before the police

When they asked me why don't I act like a normal person I looked at each of them with studying intent and then replied "Well if THIS is what normal is like then I'll be weird and be proud of it!"


"Yokay Kids, Time for biology class. This year we're going to have sooo much fun disecting frogs and other disguistingly fun stuff like that, but the first thing I must teach you... more important thing of all is that you are an actiodent!!!! There is no reason whysoever that you should be here! You see what happened was that billions and billions and billions of years ago there these dust spects that just so happened to be in the nothing that was out there and smashed together causing this giant explosion which created these floating orbs of various sizes, and on this one orb there was a pool, and in this pool two amoeba floated together until the one amoeba said to the other, "Hey, let's be organic!" so they went together and became organic and turned into this little...{time passes} so as you can see kids you are an actiodent, you have no impact on this universe whatsoever, blah blah blah, [RING RING] Okay kids, there's the bell, now it's time for that new class on SELF ESTEEM!!!

I had the perfect answer for her... the following week.

I have kidnapped myself and unless I reciev $5000 you will never see me again

Do I procrastonate? Ask me tomorrow.

In art there are no mistakes, {10 minutes later} No you can't do that, that's wrong!

More to come

Saturday, September 23, 2006


As I'm trying to get used to blogger, I decided to write this blog to test out pics... So people I'd like to introduce you to Iggy!

Iggy is my Scrat, So if I'll ever need to illustrate something horribley destructive I'll call for Iggy.
Iggy is one of my favourite characters to draw because he can survive anything!

The only thing Iggy can't do is talk. Now my test is complete so I think I'll give Iggy a break...

For now.

The Ins and outs of owning a dog

When owning a dog (or in my case two) there are certain signs that you adapt to as warning symbols.For instance, when you awakin in the morning from your beautiful dreams of something like your dream girl asking you out (not saying I would) to find the sickning smell of powerfull soap and de-oderizer you know it's going to be one of those days. In a sentence my poor little puppy who's just gotten out of a surgery a few weeks ago limiting his walking is now driving me mad with constant barfing! Like once or twice is bad enough but I'm saying all day long every 5 minutes it's another pille of yellow bile! And litterally speaking it's driving me INSANE!!!!!! The question I have to ask is not so much why is he throwing up as it is now WHAT is he throwing up? You have to admit, when he hasn't eaten or drank anything all day yet continues to throw up more and more you start to get curious as to what's left to get rid of. Now I know that at least some of the people in this family are nurses so please tell me WHAT'S GOING ON!!!! oh and also tell me the name of some good house deoderizer cause personally this oder is starting to get to me.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Why the bored should never own a blog!

Yokay, I'm here now. Ya Can't get rid of me, and let me just start off this blog by saying that YES I AM THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE MAC-ATTACK PRODUCTIONS!!!!! I know that there have been many counterfits out there but come on they don't even have a logo!

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnywaaaaaaaaaaaaays... So ya I'm here now. You can visit my cousin's site the Becka Blogs, or you can visit other people's sites of whom I can't remember the URL's to. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Ya... I know it took me a while to get here but I had to first warm up at myspace... I don't doodle very well but I'm going to try to imitate my cousin and stick doodled pic's up here every now and then. ummm... as most first blogs go this one should be kind of pathetivc but hey. other then that all I can say is... enjoy!

Words of Wisdom... NOT

A computer beat me at chess but it was no match for me at kick boxing

People who say anything is possible never tried to slam a revolving door

It is true that you can try anything once... you just don't always get a second shot at it

The early bird need not persue the worm, for he can get pizza till midnight



Be like a postage stamp. Stick to one thing untill you get there

When it comes to art teachers, it doesn't matter what you do, it's about how you describe it

I have gone out to find myself, if I get back before I return, keep me here

You have the right to remain silent. anything you say will be misquoted and then used against you!

The answers to life's greatest mysterys can be found on tee shirts

People who think they know everything annoy those of us who do

Please visit my site at

there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who don't


I love too sing... I can't sing but I love to sing

More coming soon