Mac-Attack is BACK: January 2007

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A trip in a glance

Hola my few people who actually read this! Sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I have been gone to Mexico for the past while... that and I also had writer's block. eh, Anyways, It's odd really, you think you've finally got human nature in the bag, you think that you can look at anyone for a while and guess just about everything about them, and then you go to another country and you never think that ever again!

First of all I have to admit that this trip, wasn't comfortable, wasn't anything I was used to, and yet was probablly one of the best times of my life!!! It didn't matter about roasting in the sun, or the fact that I couldn't drink the water there, or even the fact that I'm apparently allergic to Hamicha (sorry about spelling) juice, I would have gone back in a snap of a finger.

My main goal of this trip was to get to know my family better than ever as we don't really ever get to visit each other very often. (When I get that pilot's liscence WATCH OUT!!!!) However my second less large goal was to get rid of that embarressing stereotype of Canadians being the classic tourist such as, "Ooo Mildred look! It's an authentic Mexican citizen! Ooooo Take a picture of me next to him! I can't wait to tell the folks back home about this one!"... Ya, A bit extreme example but the best I could think of. Basically I didn't want to go down there for a vaccation, I wanted to go down there to (in lack of better terms) be a Mexican for a week, I wanted to know what the real Mexico was like, not the government tourist sections. And although I don't know how well I did at this I'm hoping I did a good job.

The language barriar wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I mean like Hey! I live in a town where no one speaks my language anyways! And eventually I worked out almost like a game of charades, which at times didn't always work but was very funny to watch, eh, so the next time I go down there I EITHER KNOW SPANISH OR BRING A SPANISH ENGLISH DICTIONARY EVERYWHERE I GO!!!!

The wedding it's self was very fun, I've never really ever gone to a CANADIAN wedding before, little own a Mexican one, so this was a real first. I've seen a canadian wedding or two on t.v. or home videos but never live. I have to admit, the wedding was pretty deep at times, everything had a meaning, the scriptures were deep, and the love was true. And afterwards the reception was loads of fun! I had never seen a mariachi band before and they were very fun to listen to. One moment that I found truely fun was a point where the bride and groom both stand on chairs, the groom holds up the tail of the bride's dress to make almost an archway in between them. First they call up all the single girls in the reception which all hold hands and while the mariachi band plays they play almost a game of crack the whip through the reception hall untill the music lowers in volume a bit at which point they all gather around the bride who at the count of three throws a flower to them, whoever catches the flower is the next to get married. Of course at this wedding one girl got the flower and another got the stem... I don't think I wanna know what that means! ;D Anyways after that the single guys (me included) come up and do the same thing... except with us instead of caling it crack the whip I think you'd more call it SNAP the whip! Yes we were a little more violent, but when they all gathered around, the groom tossed a flower and BOOM! Guys were bodyt checked all around the reception hall! Soooo much fun! >=D

Anyways this is all I can write about at the moment, I must have breakfast you see... At 12:00 in the after...noon, Hmmmm... Oh well I guess I'll just blame it on jet lag!