Mac-Attack is BACK: Better Late then never

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Better Late then never

I guess I should've said this about a month ago but it's been rather busy
Anyways, you remember me talking about Quickblade coming soon etc etc, well it's written now and now, heart and soul poured out into it and now I'm just waiting for the editors to rip it to shreds so YAY


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's it about?

3:28 AM  
Blogger MD Tolman said...

oh boy, I get asked this a lot. Okay, so the gist is that it's about this guy who's family was captured by the corrupt governor when he was really young so he escaped got a ship and became like the robin hood of the seas. This worked well untill one day he meets a girl named Lindsay on an English ship and her family was captured by the governor as well so she convinces him to help her try to free her family *needless to say they fall in love by the end* Anyways, meanwhile the governor has hired a famous pirate hunter to go and kill the pirate and eventually there's a whole army after them, there's a tonne of subplots, it has adventure, fighting, chases, romance, basically everything a good story needs

7:28 PM  

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