Mac-Attack is BACK: more words of wisdom

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

more words of wisdom

I'm writing while talking to two people on messenger so this one may be a bit... different...

We live in an age when pizza gets to your house before the police

When they asked me why don't I act like a normal person I looked at each of them with studying intent and then replied "Well if THIS is what normal is like then I'll be weird and be proud of it!"


"Yokay Kids, Time for biology class. This year we're going to have sooo much fun disecting frogs and other disguistingly fun stuff like that, but the first thing I must teach you... more important thing of all is that you are an actiodent!!!! There is no reason whysoever that you should be here! You see what happened was that billions and billions and billions of years ago there these dust spects that just so happened to be in the nothing that was out there and smashed together causing this giant explosion which created these floating orbs of various sizes, and on this one orb there was a pool, and in this pool two amoeba floated together until the one amoeba said to the other, "Hey, let's be organic!" so they went together and became organic and turned into this little...{time passes} so as you can see kids you are an actiodent, you have no impact on this universe whatsoever, blah blah blah, [RING RING] Okay kids, there's the bell, now it's time for that new class on SELF ESTEEM!!!

I had the perfect answer for her... the following week.

I have kidnapped myself and unless I reciev $5000 you will never see me again

Do I procrastonate? Ask me tomorrow.

In art there are no mistakes, {10 minutes later} No you can't do that, that's wrong!

More to come


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