Mac-Attack is BACK: December 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Photo Contest

*Ahem* Technically since my cousin (see the Becka blogs) told me to post this I won't consider it as bragging but..... I JUST WON FIRST PLACE IN MY FIRST EVER PHOTO CONTEST ENTERED!!!! WOOHOO!!! The contest was called Portrait and first prize was to get your pic published and a copy hung in the highschool. and the pic I entered waaaaaas...

So needless to say I'm a touch excited

Thursday, December 06, 2007

smart moves by the public school system

Aren't you just so happy to live in a country where we encourage our kids to dress up as ghouls and murderers and things that have freaked people out once a year, yet we struggle to stomp that horrid holiday of giving and good will, and loving each other out of our schools for good? I mean like afterall, everyone knows that recieving a gift is so much more offensive than having your house egged if you run out of candy. And who wants to sing of happyness and good times when you could tell ghost stories of people murdered coldly and who then go out seeking revenge. afterall, we all know that revenge is so much better than forgiveness