Mac-Attack is BACK: March 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just Relax

"It's because you're stressed."

The doctor told me the words but I couldn't believe them. I had spent the last few months in seizures, light headedness, insomnia, passing out, throwing up, losing weight like mad, nervous, headachy, and so much more that I had begun to think I had caught some sort of plague. But the doctor was quite sure that all my problems were caused by stress.

In a way I was almost dissapointed with this answer as it would mean that my life was about to be complicated. I had hoped that the doctor would simply say "you're defficient in chemical X, take this once a day and you'll be back to normal." But this diagnosis was calling for some majour changes in my normal life style.

The thought of being forced to relax is most obviously an oxymoron and is mainly a diagnosis that most people dream of, however the problem with it is that there is no way really TOO relax in today's modern society. I am a teenager going through my third year of highschool. Teenagers are emotional enough as it is with all the hormonal wonders which make us ticked. We fall for the opposite gender and give our heart away, we try to help our friends no matter how stressfull it is to ourselves. If this self brought on pain isn't enough we also have the stress of school on our shoulders. One wakes early in the morning to walk a half an hour to ride a rickety bus for another half an hour so that they can go to school for six hours so they can repeat the bus experience for another hour reaching home and doing their homework till nine at night when they either finally finish or are just too tired to work anymore at which point they must drag themselves up to arrange their things for school the next time and get ready for bed where *if you are like me* you end up falling asleep around 2 in the morning. Around the homework we also try to fit in the more essential chores which effect ones life immedietly such as eating and cleaning. With all this in mind one never really sits down for a few hours to relax anymore.

They say that if you want to cure insomnia then all you have to do is clear your mind once your head hits the pillow and think of nothing. How does one think of nothing? It seems that as soon as my aching head crashes into the soft white fluffy goodness is the only time I start thinking. The rest of the day is spent working, once I lie down my mind comes alive with *oh did I forget this* or *Oh that would've been better on my essay* or *My friend seemed really close to pulling the trigger on himself today I hope I'll see him again tomorrow*

The cure to this madness has finally struck me. I remember the days of watching the Andy Griffith show. A show about a small county sherrif in a town which is so slow that it seems only comical. At times I wonder if they actually get more out of life than we ever will. They would slow down to enjoy life. No matter what the day had thrown at them, every evening *and most of sunday* they would kick back and relax and just watch the world go by. Maybe they would talk with a friend or maybe they'd play guitar, sometimes they'd just sleep.

Nowadays we would laugh at them talking about how they were country hicks, but who is really to be laughed at. We run around working ourselves to sickness and even death with our work. we never just sit back to enjoy the simple things.

In response to my doctor's orders, I took his advice and I would advise you to do the same. It has raised my health, let me sleep better, destroyed my pains, improved my vision, and slowly but surely I am being able to eat food and keep it down again. It's amazing the difference of just forgetting about the consequences and stating *On this day and after these times I refuse to work.* will do for your health.