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Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Have you ever noticed how some of the most popular things out there have had some controversy over them?

Harry Potter: As people complain about the witch craft in it more people want to read it to "have an opinion" as they say

Golden Compass: lousy movie yet box office hit as everyone loved the controversy over it

Saw *all of them*: Probablly wouldn't sell at all if people didn't talk about how sick and wrong it is

Grand Theft Auto: Not quite the most creative game on the planet yet people love how everyone hates it

Karla Homoka: simply WHISPER her name and EVERYONE knows who you're talking about

2 girls 1 cup: Come on I mean like who DOESN"T know about that?

Homosexual rights: The more people complain about it the more rights are given

etc etc etc

My point you may ask? Simply this. We notice in this pattern how the more we fight to get these things taken away the more popular they become. Why you may ask? Well that's just the sick twisted world that we live in. So if you really want to see the end of something... keep quiet already

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Better Late then never

I guess I should've said this about a month ago but it's been rather busy
Anyways, you remember me talking about Quickblade coming soon etc etc, well it's written now and now, heart and soul poured out into it and now I'm just waiting for the editors to rip it to shreds so YAY

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just Relax

"It's because you're stressed."

The doctor told me the words but I couldn't believe them. I had spent the last few months in seizures, light headedness, insomnia, passing out, throwing up, losing weight like mad, nervous, headachy, and so much more that I had begun to think I had caught some sort of plague. But the doctor was quite sure that all my problems were caused by stress.

In a way I was almost dissapointed with this answer as it would mean that my life was about to be complicated. I had hoped that the doctor would simply say "you're defficient in chemical X, take this once a day and you'll be back to normal." But this diagnosis was calling for some majour changes in my normal life style.

The thought of being forced to relax is most obviously an oxymoron and is mainly a diagnosis that most people dream of, however the problem with it is that there is no way really TOO relax in today's modern society. I am a teenager going through my third year of highschool. Teenagers are emotional enough as it is with all the hormonal wonders which make us ticked. We fall for the opposite gender and give our heart away, we try to help our friends no matter how stressfull it is to ourselves. If this self brought on pain isn't enough we also have the stress of school on our shoulders. One wakes early in the morning to walk a half an hour to ride a rickety bus for another half an hour so that they can go to school for six hours so they can repeat the bus experience for another hour reaching home and doing their homework till nine at night when they either finally finish or are just too tired to work anymore at which point they must drag themselves up to arrange their things for school the next time and get ready for bed where *if you are like me* you end up falling asleep around 2 in the morning. Around the homework we also try to fit in the more essential chores which effect ones life immedietly such as eating and cleaning. With all this in mind one never really sits down for a few hours to relax anymore.

They say that if you want to cure insomnia then all you have to do is clear your mind once your head hits the pillow and think of nothing. How does one think of nothing? It seems that as soon as my aching head crashes into the soft white fluffy goodness is the only time I start thinking. The rest of the day is spent working, once I lie down my mind comes alive with *oh did I forget this* or *Oh that would've been better on my essay* or *My friend seemed really close to pulling the trigger on himself today I hope I'll see him again tomorrow*

The cure to this madness has finally struck me. I remember the days of watching the Andy Griffith show. A show about a small county sherrif in a town which is so slow that it seems only comical. At times I wonder if they actually get more out of life than we ever will. They would slow down to enjoy life. No matter what the day had thrown at them, every evening *and most of sunday* they would kick back and relax and just watch the world go by. Maybe they would talk with a friend or maybe they'd play guitar, sometimes they'd just sleep.

Nowadays we would laugh at them talking about how they were country hicks, but who is really to be laughed at. We run around working ourselves to sickness and even death with our work. we never just sit back to enjoy the simple things.

In response to my doctor's orders, I took his advice and I would advise you to do the same. It has raised my health, let me sleep better, destroyed my pains, improved my vision, and slowly but surely I am being able to eat food and keep it down again. It's amazing the difference of just forgetting about the consequences and stating *On this day and after these times I refuse to work.* will do for your health.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Do the math

People now a days think that the world is mainly christian. Christians tell how they should be happy to live in such a christian populated world, while Atheists and other religions complain of the Christian conspirecy which is taking over our world. I just thought I'd write down a few researched facts about this.

FACT: polls indicate that 33% of the world is Christian

FACT: on average per city, less than 1 tenth of those who say they're a Christian on a poll will actually fit in the amount of churches that the city has

FACT: most churches average a little more than half full

FACT: on average, about 87% of people in a church actually have attempted to become born again Christians

FACT: on average about 42% of people who have attempted to become born again Christians actually believe that there's a judgement after death and actually live their lives to try to become better and better Christians.

Before you judge DO THE MATH

Monday, February 25, 2008

A new world

What is VaLuE? why do we value what we do? Look at us! Our world has no idea what value is! We pay millions to people who chase little rubber balls, we idolize and practically worship people who pretend to be someone else, yet farmers who bring us the food we need to live are poor and being bought out, builders who make it so we have a warm shelter to stay in are considered the dumb uneducated ones who are too stupid to do anything else.

Why do we think this way? it makes no sense! We spend millions of dollars on an old baseball card or a piece of canvas with some paint on it. I admit that it may be rare and may look nice but why should we waste so much money on that when we could feed other countries for the same amount of money?

Over the past generation our world has gone under large changes. We now don't care about the quality of an object so much just so long as we can get more of it. The idea of making a small buisiness where it's nice to work and you can help the public by giving them what they need and also by giving them a good place to work has suddenly become replaced with people wanting money and creating a large franchise. They'll never know the people who work for them or how the employees are treated, but they no longer care. It's not about others now it's about the money and their comfort!

Even our morals have changed and why shouldn't they of? afterall we've claimed religion to be nothing but fairy tales and replaced it with our much more brilliant science. What purpose do we have now? as soon as we destroyed a maker we suddenly created the fact that we have no reason for being here. there's no longer a fate after life, we no longer have to answer to any greater authority. The modern man currently believes that there's this world and that's all there is. But if we believe this then what's the point of morals? I mean why can't we kill, steal, or any of those other things? after all if this is all that there is in the world than why should it matter anymore? This is why I roll my eyes when people say they're baffled by the raise in violence in the world.

Some people have tried to fix this by creating purposes for life such as to aquire a great wealth. But why would you need great wealth? Do you like little metalic disks THAT much??? what comfort is money? sure it's handy for paying bills and it's nice to go on the occasional holiday but what's the point of getting money for the sake of getting money? it's not gonna help you at all.

others try success. These people work hard, putting everything else aside in order to become the best at one tiny thing. The only problem is that no matter how great you become there's always someone better. And even if you did become the greatest person on earth what would you gain? those who knew you would just be jealous. And after they passed on you too would soon be forgotten.

No matter which way you slice it, there's something we're doing wrong now a days. We're playing with money we don't have, scaring people with disaster's that aren't happening, so they don't notice our laws that don't work together. Yet still people walk on, they hum about how great the world's working out. They focus on the splinter that hurts another country while they don't notice the ever growing tumor in their own.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Photo Contest

*Ahem* Technically since my cousin (see the Becka blogs) told me to post this I won't consider it as bragging but..... I JUST WON FIRST PLACE IN MY FIRST EVER PHOTO CONTEST ENTERED!!!! WOOHOO!!! The contest was called Portrait and first prize was to get your pic published and a copy hung in the highschool. and the pic I entered waaaaaas...

So needless to say I'm a touch excited

Thursday, December 06, 2007

smart moves by the public school system

Aren't you just so happy to live in a country where we encourage our kids to dress up as ghouls and murderers and things that have freaked people out once a year, yet we struggle to stomp that horrid holiday of giving and good will, and loving each other out of our schools for good? I mean like afterall, everyone knows that recieving a gift is so much more offensive than having your house egged if you run out of candy. And who wants to sing of happyness and good times when you could tell ghost stories of people murdered coldly and who then go out seeking revenge. afterall, we all know that revenge is so much better than forgiveness