Mac-Attack is BACK: May 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Have you ever noticed how some of the most popular things out there have had some controversy over them?

Harry Potter: As people complain about the witch craft in it more people want to read it to "have an opinion" as they say

Golden Compass: lousy movie yet box office hit as everyone loved the controversy over it

Saw *all of them*: Probablly wouldn't sell at all if people didn't talk about how sick and wrong it is

Grand Theft Auto: Not quite the most creative game on the planet yet people love how everyone hates it

Karla Homoka: simply WHISPER her name and EVERYONE knows who you're talking about

2 girls 1 cup: Come on I mean like who DOESN"T know about that?

Homosexual rights: The more people complain about it the more rights are given

etc etc etc

My point you may ask? Simply this. We notice in this pattern how the more we fight to get these things taken away the more popular they become. Why you may ask? Well that's just the sick twisted world that we live in. So if you really want to see the end of something... keep quiet already